Design and build an interactive website, with intuitive content management system.
About The Project
The Concept, The Client &
The Challenge
The Client
Wolf & Shore Law Group is a full-service, all-female, legal practice with a focus on family and divorce law, located in central Connecticut. There are hundreds of Family Law Attorneys in Connecticut. Wolf & Shore Law Group was seeking ways to stand in a heavily saturated market.
The Challenge
Build strong online presence for Wolf & Shore Law
Increase revenue through virtual consultations
Maximize local awareness of the Firm’s services, focusing on Family & Juvenile Law
Beautiful, Functional &
Design and build an interactive website with intuitive content management system
Easy, Functional &
Create an eCommerce booking module for tele-law consultations.
SEO & Social Media Marketing
Efficient, Accurate &
High Performance
Reach local prospects through efficient & effective digital marketing campaigns.